King's Empire Wiki
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This page is to share a piece of useful information about the correct amount of troops to send to attack the Robbers Camp, the Ashaka Brotherhood and the Scarlet Crusaders.

The art is: If you send less amount of troops, you will loose more soldiers and if you send more amount of troops, it will cost more foods. You need to find an optimum amount of troops between these two ends. That is express in one word "Causal Scaling".

So, I have researched the correct amount of troops to send, and now here is my formula.

For all attacks below, I assume we attack level-10 camps using Weak poison level-3 with 3 types of soldiers Templar, Cavalry Archer and Paladin.

Level-10 Camps:

Robber's Camp: attack with 2000 each.

Your attack power: 280,000 + academy bonus point.

Robber's defense power: 29,220 you will loose: 55 Templar, 33 Cavalry Archer and 28 Paladin.

You will get:
385,920 Wood
289,440 Iron
192,960 Stone
96,480 Food

Ashka Brotherhood: attack with 3000 each.

Your attack power: 420,000 + academy bonus point.

Ashka defense power: 39,710 you will loose: 75 Templar, 45 Cavalry Archer and 37 Paladin.

You will get:
112,800 Wood
338,400 Iron
338,400 Stone
338,400 Food

Scarlet Crusaders: attack with 4000 each.

Your attack power: 560,000 + academy bonus point.

Scarlet defense power: 55,820 you will loose: 105 Templar, 63 Cavalry Archer and 53 Paladin.

You will get:
129,120 Wood
645,600 Iron
258,240 Stone
258,240 Food

If Level-11 camps event is on, you can use below info.

Level-11 Camps:

Robber's Camp: attack with 3000 each.

Your attack power: 420,000 + academy bonus point.

Robber's defense power: 43,408 you will loose: 82 Templar, 49 Cavalry Archer and 41 Paladin.

You will get:

1,603,200 Wood

1,202,400 Iron

801,600 Stone

400,800 Food
Ashka Brotherhood: attack with 4000 each.

Your attack power: 560,000 + academy bonus point.

Ashka defense power: 59,078 you will loose: 109 Templar, 66 Cavalry Archer and 55 Paladin.

You will get:

600,800 Wood

1,802,400 Iron

1,802,400 Stone

1,802,400 Food
Scarlet Crusaders: attack with 5500 each.

Your attack power: 770,000 + academy bonus point.

Robber's Def. power: 83,085 you will loose: 154 Templar, 93 Cavalry Archer and 77 Paladin.

You will get:

532,800 Wood

2,664,000 Iron

1,065,600 Stone

1,065,600 Food

Note: I assume all the attack and defense technologies in Academy are upgraded to level-10. If it is low in your academy, you may need some more troops. And if you use "spoils of war" in the Church, add 20% additional to the resources that you will get.
The general "Rule of Thumb" is to attack with approximately 10x higher power then the camp's defense power. 

So, if you prefer other types of troops you just need to do a little math and re-calculate how much amount of troops you need to send for that type.

Enjoy the King's Empire Peacefully, but Actively, Strongly and Satisfyingly - PASS!

Have fun!

